Every day, we wake up to endless possibilities, a future on the cusp of becoming.
Every day, we make thousands of decisions, many small, some large, each one irrevocable.
Every day, we perform our routines and rituals that structure our daily lives.
Every day, we move through our cities, our suburbs, our rural lands, writing these space into existence while these spaces shape how we behave, how we move, who we interact with.
Every day, people on the margins fight to be made visible in the public sphere.
Every day, a new group enters the public sphere and another fades from its view, hidden but not gone.
Every day, we sit around our kitchen tables and share meals and intimacy with loved ones.
Every day, the food we eat is grown, harvested, processed, and shipped around the world.
Every day, fossil fuels and minerals are extracted from the earth.
Every day, our carbon footprint grows ever larger.
Every day, we combat despair with hope and face challenges with fearless optimism.
Every day, we practice our arts, honing our skills and creating beauty in the world.
Every day, we are reminded of the fragility of our everyday lives, but then we allow ourselves to forget.
Every day is uncertain, but also assured.
Every day is a little bit different than the day that came before.